




CONDUX LabCompactPlant

当 前 价:电议
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有效期至: 2012年8月16日

共有 21 条同类“实验室机器”产品信息


CONDUX LabCompactPlant



The CONDUX LabCompactPlant was designed especially for the production of laboratory and small batches. The technology from production plants which was incorporated in this plant design ensures a stable and reproducible process. Naturally the daily demands of laboratory operation were taken into consideration when the details of the plant construction were being planned.

As well as the actual machine (mill or classifier) the plant comprises a very compact operating module, which permits assembly in a very small space. The complete plant is mounted on a mutual base frame and is delivered ready for installation. Commissioning at the customer′s site can therefore be carried out immediately after delivery!

The new LabCompactPlant will live up to your expectations. 

A really compact Laboratory System!




·         牙科陶瓷

·         玻璃粉末

·         金属粉末

·         矿产

·         陶瓷

·         化妆品

·         金属粉末化合物

·         天然和合成油墨

·         有机和无机颜料

·         制药

·         粉末涂料

·         黑色和彩色碳粉

·         硅酸盐



·         Final finenesses obtained range from d971.0 – 150 μm depending on the machine type used (based on limestone)

·         Very small dimensions

·         For laboratory operation with extremely small amounts of material

·         Compact plant system in various machine versions:

o    Fluidized bed jet mill CGS 10

o    High-density bed jet mill ConJet? 10

o    High-performance fine classifier CFS 5 HD-S

o    Fine classifier CFS 5

o    Universal mill CUM 100

·         Complete system mounted on a base frame, ready for operation

·         Easy and concise operation and lowest possible space required

·         Optimal reproducibility

·         Easy and quick cleaning

·         Optimal accessibility

·         Efficient product separation

·         Dust-free bagging

·         Low feed height

·         Max. weight of individual components < 5 kg

·         Setting of all process parameters via an operator panel


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