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TOP Quality and best price lead acid battery for 10 years 12v

当 前 价:200.00
起订数量: 100PCS
供货总量: 1000000PCS
有效期至: 2012年11月13日

共有 3 条同类“未分组”产品信息



Lead acid battery for 10 years 12v

UPS systems / Telecommunications equipment / Emergency lighting / Fire and burglar alarm systems / Access control devices / Electronic equipment require memory protecting / Solar powered systems 

1. Sealed Maintenance Free
Peakpower''''s unique design and sealing technique guarantees that no electrolyte leakage can occur from the terminals or case of any Powergor Battery Tech. co., ltd.. The sealed system eliminates electrolyte checking and water addition.
2.  Long Shelf life and storage
Special vents, high purity lead and grid alloys assure a low self-discharge rate and consequently a long shelf life. Lower storage temperatures enhance shelf life characteristic even further.
3.  High quality and firm reliability
Peakpower batteries can keep the stable and reliable capacity. It also can withstand overcharge, over discharge, vibration and shock. It is also capable of extended storage
4.  Standby use
The float service life, or life expectancy under continuous float charge at 2.25vpc at 20 deg is 5 years for batteries up to 26ah and 10 years for batteries with capacities greater than 30ah.
5.  Cyclic use
The number of charge/discharge cycles depends on the capacity taken from the battery (a function of discharge rate and depth of discharge) operating temperature and charging method.
6.  Easy Installation
Batteries are easily installed in a dry and vented place; meanwhile it can be put by the rack to use safely.
7. compact design
Peakpower batteries utilize state of the art design, highest grade materials, and a carefully controlled plate making process to provide excellent output per cell.
8.  designed-in reliability
Cutting edge manufacturing and process control combined with strict quality assurance procedures guarantee consistent and dependable performance.
9.  Low Self-Discharge
Because of the use of Lead Calcium grids alloy, Peakpower VRLA battery can be stored for long periods of time without recharge.

10.  Wide operating temperature range
Charge: -15 to 50 degree
Discharge: -15 to 60 degree
Storage: -20 to +50 (in fully charged condition)
Specification Design 5 years series

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